Samsung has launched its latest mid-range smartphone, the Galaxy On6, in India. The device is believed to be a re-branded version of the Galaxy J6, which was launched earlier this year in the country. The Galaxy On6 comes with a relatively-affordable price-tag, and offers a full-screen display with an 18.5:9 aspect ratio. Priced at Rs. 14,490, the device is expected to compete with the likes of the Redmi Note 5 Pro, the upcoming Zenfone Max Pro (6GB), the Honor 7X and the like.
Samsung Galaxy On6 Hardware Specifications
The Galaxy On6 features a 5.6-inch HD+ (720×1480 pixels) Super AMOLED display with an 18.5:9 aspect ratio, and is powered by the Exynos 7870 SoC that comes with an 1.6GHz octa-core CPU and the Mali T830 MP1 GPU. It also comes with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of on-board storage.
The Galaxy On6 sports a 13MP rear-facing camera on the back and an 8MP unit on the front, both accompanied by an LED flash and f/1.9 lenses. Software features include Animated GIF, Beauty Face, Best Photo, Face Detection, Food, HDR, Panorama, and Sports. There’s also Face Unlock with the front camera.
The device comes with expandable storage, a rear-facing fingerprint scanner and a 3.3mm audio port. In terms of connectivity, it supports 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v4.2, GPS/A-GPS and Micro-USB. The device carries a 3,000mAh battery, and runs Android 8.0 Oreo with Samsung Experience UX on top.
Samsung Galaxy One6 Specifications | |
Display | 5.6-inch Super AMOLED, HD+ (1480x720p) Resolution 18.5:9 Aspect Ratio |
Processor | Exynos 7870; Octa-Core 1.6GHz CPU, Mali-T830 MP1 GPU |
RAM | 4GB |
Storage | 64GB, Expandable |
Rear Camera | 13MP f/1.9 with LED flash |
Front Camera | 8MP f/1.9 with LED flash |
Software | Android 8.0 Oreo with (Experience UI) |
Battery | 3,000 mAh |
Connectivity | Dual SIM, microUSB, Bluetooth 4.2, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, 3.5mm Audio |
Price | ₹14,990 |
Chat Over Video
With the Galaxy On6, Samsung is offering an innovative ‘Chat Over Video’ feature that lets users chat with their contacts while watching a video by offering a translucent chat screen. The device also comes with the My Galaxy Video app that lets users watch curated video content, including original shows and full-length Bollywood movies. The device also comes with Samsung Pay Mini to enable mobile payments.
Pricing, Offers and Availability
The Samsung Galaxy On6 will be exclusively available to buy on Flipkart and Samsung’s online store. It sports a price tag of Rs. 14,490, and sales will start July 5. Flipkart is offering its complete mobile protection plan at Rs. 49, no-cost EMI options starting at Rs. 1,610, and various exchange offers. The phone is not yet available on the link but you can get notified by leaving your email address on Flipkart here.
Additionally, Jio customers are entitled to get a cashback worth Rs 2,750 in their MyJio account on recharging with Rs. 198 and Rs. 299 packs in the form of 55 vouchers worth Rs. 50 apiece. They would also receive Double Data benefits on the first four recharges of Rs. 198 and above.
from Beebom
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