As WhatsApp prepares for the public launch of its WhatsApp Payments service to its millions of users in India, the messaging giant is now looking to set up a 24-hour customer support service.
This customer support service is aimed at helping users who’ve recently been faced with setup or payment troubles. Users can contact WhatsApp for the resolution of their payment failures and reimbursements, but it is currently a hassle to do so. You may even need to connect with your bank for any dispute resolution, which is a chore in itself.
WhatsApp may now have a solution for this problem and is working towards it. In a statement to the PTI, a WhatsApp spokesperson said that, “We will provide 24-hour customer support. Payments users can contact the support team via e-mail and a toll-free number (post the official rollout of WhatsApp Payments in India).”
The spokesperson further added that support will be made available in 4 languages, including English, Hindi, Marathi, and Gujarati to start with. There is no word on the launch date of the payment, as well as the support service though.
WhatsApp already gives you the option to contact its support from within the app by heading to the payment settings. You can type out a message and attach screenshots to make the team aware of your problem. This would be expanded to include the new toll-free and email service.
The report adds that the company has clarified its privacy and data-sharing policy with its parent Facebook as well. It’s now closely working with the NPCI and bank partners for the official launch. The updated terms also point out that the company will not offer any chargebacks once a user submits a payment request. The new policy reads as under,
WhatsApp is not liable for unauthorized transactions. We assume no responsibility for the underlying transaction of funds, or the actions or identity of any transfer recipient or sender.
WhatsApp Payments has been under testing for months and is now almost ready for the limelight. It has recently made its UPI payment service interoperable and can be used to send or request money from any UPI ID. All we can do now is wait for the features to roll out either in the beta or to all Indian users in the coming week.
from Beebom
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