After launching the Swadeshi Samriddhi SIM, Patanjali had taken a step forward by launching the Kimbho instant messaging app, which was said to take on giants such as WhatsApp in the country. However, amidst claims of being fake and plenty of privacy and security issues, the app was quickly taken down from the Google Play Store.
After promising to plug security and privacy issues before bringing Kimbho back, the company has stated that it will take another two months to set up the messaging app.
During the testing phase of the app, we received large traffic. However, that was only the pilot phase. Preparations are currently underway. We will need around two months to set up the app, as we need to look into the intricacies of handling large user traffic.
Patanjali said the “Swadeshi messaging app” would be rolled out officially in the coming months.
Kimbho, which was first launched on the Play Store as a swadeshi WhatsApp killer, was dismissed by most users, observers and experts as a ‘fake’ app, a ‘joke’ and an embarrassment. Noted French security researcher who uses the alias Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) on Twitter pointed out security and privacy flaws in the app, when it was launched.
Hi @KimbhoApp before trying to compete #WhatsApp, you can try to secure your app. It's possible to choose a security code between 0001 and 9999 and send it to the number of your choice #kimbhoApp
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) May 30, 2018
from Beebom
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